‘Paalalayam’ performed on the ‘Ashta Thikkku Palagaas’
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaOm Arunachaleswarar Temple – Aani Matha Amavasai Pradosham
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaStart of Tamil Calendar month Aani – Special procession of Lord Arunchaleswarar in Thiruvannamalai
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaVaikasi Month Amavasai Pradosam!
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaA special Maha Abhishekham was performed at Thiruvannamalai to ward off the evil effects of Agni Naksathram!
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaOn the Occasion of the conclusion of the peak summer (Agni Naksathram) period, a special pooja to ward off the evil effects of Agni Nakshatram – ‘Dhosha Niverthi Pooja’ – was performed in front of the sanctum sanctorum of the Goddess Sri Unnamulai Amman. In this special ‘Dhosha Niverthi Pooja’, warding off the evils of Agni Naksathram, 1008 Kalsams were kept and a special ‘Yagam’ was performed.
The period from 4th May to 28th May this year is the Agni Nakshatram period.
Agni Naksathram this year concludes tomorrow (Saturday, 28th May)!
AS such, a sacred 1008 Kalsabhishekham Yagam was performed at the Thiruvannamalai Lord Arunachaleswarar temple yesterday evening (Thursday, 26th May)
Om Arunachalashwarar Temple Chithirai Vasantha Utsavam Festival 2022 (Day 10): Manmathan Thaganam
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaOm Arunachalashwarar Temple Chithirai Vasantha Utsavam Festival 2022: Day 10
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaOm Arunachalashwarar Temple Chithirai Vasantha Utsavam Festival 2022: Day 9
0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News, News & Events/by omarunachalaIn the temple of Thiruvannamalai where the Lord Annamalaiyar along with His Consort Goddess Unnamulai Amman grace and bless devotees, the 9th day of the Chithirai (Tamil Calendar Month) Vasantah Utsavam (Spring Festival) in progress on the 9th day, the event of showering of doll flowers for the deities of Lord Annamalaiyar and His Consort Goddess Unnamulai Amman was performed. After this, the deities were carried to Arunagiriyogeeswarar Mandapam and Deeparadhanai was performed for the deities!
Om Aunachaleswarar Temple – Chithirai Month Pournami Pradosham
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Daily Poojas at Temple
05.30 AM | Ushathkalam |
08.00 AM | Kaalasanthi |
10.00 AM | Uchikkalam |
06.00 PM | Sayarakshai |
08.00 PM | IrandamKalam |
09.30 PM | Artha Jamam |