Ramana Maharishi – A great saint who had devoted his entire life to propagate peace and serenity.
” True humanity lies not in returning
violence for violence,but in forgiveness. ”
– Sathguru Ramnamaharishi.

Related WebSite : http://www.ramana-maharshi.org/
Ramana Maharishi was born on December 30, 1879, in a small village near Madurai in Tamilnadu. Venkataramana had his schooling in his native village and his high school education in Madurai. When he was in teen he lost his father. He, along with his mother, moved to his uncle’s house in Madurai.

One day a guest came to his uncle’s house from Arunachala. When Venkataramana heard that the guest was from Arunachala, he became very enthusiastic to know more details about the place. Venkataramana was so impressed that he made up his mind to visit it somehow. His firm and curious mind took him to the holy place. Though he did not have enough money to meet the travel fare to Arunachala, he left the house, leaving a small note saying “I have left to see the father. Nobody should worry about me. No one should try to find me”.

He left for Arunachala by train. Since he did not have enough money for his travel, he had to get down in the middle and then walk a long distance. He ultimately reached the Arunachaleswara Temple in Thiruvannamalai. His joy knew no bounds when he saw the holy place. Days rolled by and he became a sanyasiat in the sacred place. His Meditation and prayers were intense. Questions such as what would happen to the Atman after the death of the body and is the Atman also subject to death like that of the body, or is it immortal came to his mind.

Venkataramana offered solutions to people’s problem patiently and relieved them of their sufferings. The number of people visiting him with difficulties and sorrows grew every day. People who came to visit the Lord Arunachala shrine came to pay homage to the sanyasi without fail.

Ramana Maharishi was an embodiment of love and compassion. He was not only sympathetic towards the poor and needy but also towards those who where in sorrow. He showed care, concern and pity even towards birds and animals.

Ramana Maharishi led a very simple life. He only pitied those who were evil. His conviction was that “The wise should not punish bad people but should correct them through gentle persuasion “. Ramana’s constant teaching to his devotees was that the way to cleans the mind of its impurities was meditation. According to him “The mind becomes pure by over and over again about the source of evils.”

In his last days Ramana Maharishi fell ill. Inspite of a group of doctors attending him, he did not recover. When people from far and near flocked to the ashram to have last darshan of Ramana Maharishi. He said to them “Every one who is born must die. The body is not the soul. Therefore nobody need to feel miserable for the death of the body”. It was April 14 in the year 1950 at 8:47 p.m that has moral body passed away. His spirit merged with divinity at the same time.