Arulmigu Om Arunachaleswarar Thirukovil Aadipooram flag hoisting ceremony

The Divine ‘Flag Hoisting’ ceremony for the celebration of the Aadi Pooram Festival (The day on which the star ‘pooram’ falls in the Tamil Calendar month of Aadi which is considered a sacred month) was performed in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Goddess Unnamulaiyamman on the golden flag-pillar today (Saturday , 23rd July) at the famous Lord Arunchaleswarar temple in Thiruvannamalai.

Aani bramodsavam 10th day theerthavari in iyankulam

On the 10th day of the grand Aani Brahmotsavam festival, the deity of Lord Chandrasekarar theerthavari in iyankulam event took place at the Arulmigu Om Arunachaleswarar Temple in Tiruvannamalai

Pradosham festival at Thiruvannamalai Lord Arunachaleswarar temple!

The Full Moon day in the Tamil Calendar Month of Aani Pradosham Festival was celebrated grandly today (Tuesday, 12th July) at the Lord Arunchaleswarar temple in Thiruvannamalai!

On this special sacred occasion, Special Abhishekhams and adornment with Vilva tree leaves were performed for the idols of Lord Sri Siva (Arunachaleswarar) and Lord Sri Nandhikeswarar.

Subsequently, the idol of the Lords was taken on a procession on the 3rd corridor of the temple.

A large crowd of devotees had waited in long queues for a long time and had the Darshan of their Lord!

Tiruvannamalai Arunasalesuvarar temple Ani Thirumanjanam: Day 2

Tiruvannamalai Arunasalesuvarar temple Ani Thirumanjanam Sivagama Sundari Udanurai Natarasar Departure from 1000 Kal Mandapam.

‘Paalalayam’ performed on the ‘Ashta Thikkku Palagaas’

Thiruvannamalai Lord Arunachaleswarar Temple: ‘Paalalayam’ performed on the ‘Ashta Thikkku Palagaas’ located in the seventh corridor of the temple today (Monday, 27the June)!

Start of Tamil Calendar month Aani – Special procession of Lord Arunchaleswarar in Thiruvannamalai

On nthe Occasion of the start of the Tamil Calendar month ‘Aani’, the deity of Lord Arunchaleswarar, Chinnanayakar were carried on a procession across the 5th corridor of the temple!

A special Maha Abhishekham was performed at Thiruvannamalai to ward off the evil effects of Agni Naksathram!

On the Occasion of the conclusion of the peak summer (Agni Naksathram) period, a special pooja to ward off the evil effects of Agni Nakshatram – ‘Dhosha Niverthi Pooja’ – was performed in front of the sanctum sanctorum of the Goddess Sri Unnamulai Amman. In this special ‘Dhosha Niverthi Pooja’, warding off the evils of Agni Naksathram, 1008 Kalsams were kept and a special ‘Yagam’ was performed.

The period from 4th May to 28th May this year is the Agni Nakshatram period.

Agni Naksathram this year concludes tomorrow (Saturday, 28th May)!

AS such, a sacred 1008 Kalsabhishekham Yagam was performed at the Thiruvannamalai Lord Arunachaleswarar temple yesterday evening (Thursday, 26th May)