4th Day of the Spring Festival at Thiruvannamalai Temple

On the 4th Day of the grand Spring Festival (Vasanth Utasvam) being celebrated at the Thiruvannamalai Lord Arunchaleswarar temple on Saturday, 13th April, the deity of the Lord Aruncahelswarar was brought to the Panneer mandapam located near the Magizha maram on the 3rd corridor of the temple. Subsequently, the ceremony of showering the deity with dolls decorated with yellow silk clothes was performed.

On 14th April, Tamil New Year Day with the start of the Tamil calendar year Vikari, a very rare and special occurrence of the sun’s rays falling directly on the Lingam of the Lord in the sanctum sanctorum at 6.30 AM.

The Hindu Almanac or ‘Panchangam’ will be offered to the Lord Sambandha Vinayakar at the Sanctum Sanctorum and then the Panchangam will be read by the Sivacharyas.