Markazhi Matha amavasai Prathosam

Here is a picture showcasing the special occasion of Margazhi month Pradhosham that fell to be on Ammavasai day. The idol and Nandi statues were decorated with flowers and the temple was seen teeming with devotees.

What is Pradhosham?

Pradhosham is a bimonthly occasion. It falls to be on the thirteenth day of every two weeks as per Hindu calendar. The occasion is so special for lord Shiva. During these days, the ideal timing for worshipping the lord will be 1.5 hours before and after the sunset. Devotees carry out fasting or vows during these three hours and these are called Pradhosha Vrata. A devotee wears Rudhraksha, Vibuthi and worships the lord by performing Abhisheka, saldalwood paste, Bilva leaves, food offerings (Neivedhyam), deepam, and so on.